New SUD IOP At New U Therapy!

We are excited to announce that we’re launching a NEW Substance Use Disorder (SUD) IOP with convenient virtual or hybrid options. If you or someone you love is ready to take the first step in recovery, this program is what you’ve been waiting for. 

We all know the toll substance abuse and addiction can take on our physical and mental health. From liver damage and an increased risk of certain cancers to depression and suicidal ideation, substance abuse can be crippling.

Our NEW SUD IOP offers a new path forward filled with hope and healing. Check your eligibility now.

Find Joy After Substance Abuse- This Is Your Fresh Start!


Our virtual/hybrid SUD IOP is life-changing. It’s time to gain freedom from the dark hold alcohol can have on your life. Now, you can move forward in renewed clarity, connection, and happiness, free from everything that held you back.

Breaking free from Substance Use Disorders (SUD) opens the door to a world filled with positive transformations. Here’s a glimpse of what your “after” can look like:

Genuine Joy and Happiness: Picture a life where genuine joy becomes a part of your daily life. Breaking free from SUD allows you to rediscover the simple pleasures and experience authentic happiness.

Healthy Relationships: Imagine rebuilding and nurturing strong, healthy relationships. As you journey away from SUD, you’ll find yourself surrounded by a supportive community that understands and encourages your growth for lasting results. 

Empowerment and Self-Discovery: Breaking free is a journey of empowerment. Uncover your inner strength, peel back the layers, and discover the real you. This newfound self-awareness becomes the foundation for building a life aligned with your values and dreams.

Flexible and Compassionate Support: Our virtual and hybrid SUD support programs offer convenience and understanding. Accessible from the comfort of your home, these programs provide personalized counseling, group support, and evidence-based therapies, ensuring flexibility tailored to your unique needs.

Renewed Purpose: Picture waking up each day with a sense of purpose. Breaking free from SUD allows you to redefine your life’s direction, creating a future filled with meaning and fulfillment.

Insurance Can Cover The Cost Of IOP Treatment

Unfortunately, many people decide not to pursue alcohol rehab programs because they think they won’t be able to afford it. At New U Therapy Center & Family Services, we work with many major insurance providers and accept cash pay to ensure everyone has access to quality treatment. Check your eligibility.