The Cost Of Depression: How KAP Can Help!

Depression is more than just feeling down; it’s a real and serious medical condition that can profoundly impact every aspect of your life. In addition to the obvious cost of happiness, it’s also quite expensive to manage.

From missed days of work to the cost of medications and therapy, the costs of depression can add up quickly. These costs are borne not only by those with the condition but also by their families and employers. The high price of major depression and treatment-resistant depression underscores the need for more effective treatments for this debilitating condition.

The High Cost of Major Depression and Treatment-Resistant Depression

In addition to causing sufferers to feel hopeless, helpless, and worthless, depression can lead to physical problems and complications such as insomnia, fatigue, and gastrointestinal issues. Plus, patients with depression are more likely to have comorbid conditions such as anxiety, substance abuse, and chronic pain, which further increases the cost of care.

The cost of treating all of these symptoms – let alone addressing the unpleasant side effects of some antidepressants – can add up quickly. A patient with major depression can spend an average of $10,836 yearly on health costs – a staggering sum of money that many people simply cannot afford.

Treatment-resistant depression (TRD) is a particularly costly form of the condition. The costs can continue to mount year after year as patients struggle to find an effective combination of medications and therapy.

The impact of depression goes well beyond the individual sufferer. Apart from the direct costs of treatment, depression also leads to lost productivity and missed days at work, lost wages, and strained relationships. As a result, the cost of depression imposes a major burden on individuals, families, and society. The ripple effects of depression touch us all.

Other Contributing Factors to the Cost of Depression

Depression is one of the most common mental disorders in the United States, affecting an estimated 17.3 million adults yearly. Yet less than half receive any treatment. Even fewer receive effective treatment.

Between the limited access to specialized care (particularly in rural areas) and lack of insurance coverage for mental health services, those who do seek help are often seen by primary care physicians rather than mental health professionals. Only 56% of psychiatrists accept commercial insurance, leaving patients opting to pay high out-of-pocket costs for out-of-network mental health professionals.

How Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy Can Reduce the Cost of Depression

The cost of treating depression is high and often requires a combination of medication, therapy, and lifestyle changes. However, ketamine-assisted psychotherapy (KAP) is a relatively new treatment showing promising results for reducing the symptoms of depression.

One of the main advantages of KAP is that it can often provide relief from depression symptoms after just a few sessions. This means patients can discontinue their use of expensive medications and avoid needing long-term therapy.

What’s more, ketamine-assisted psychotherapy can help to address the underlying causes of depression rather than simply treating the symptoms. And by leveraging the powerful effects of ketamine with the support of psychotherapy, patients can achieve longer-lasting effects. As a result, KAP has the potential to reduce the cost of depression over time significantly.

Ask Us About How KAP Can Help!

All told, the monetary costs of depression are staggering. But perhaps even more costly is the toll that depression takes on one’s quality of life. 

If you’re struggling with depression and concerned about the cost of treatment, reach out to us about ketamine-assisted psychotherapy. It just might be the cost-effective solution for the happiness you’ve been looking for.